Finding the missing link: disulfide-containing proteins via a high-throughput proteomics approach Journal Article

Authors: Khairallah, R. J.; Sadayappan, S
Article Title: Finding the missing link: disulfide-containing proteins via a high-throughput proteomics approach
Abstract: Top-down proteomics have recently started to gain attention as a novel method to provide insight into the structure of proteins in their native state, specifically the number and location of disulfide bridges. However, previous techniques still relied on complex and time-consuming protein purification and reduction reactions to yield useful information. In this issue of Proteomics, Zhao et al. (high-throughput screening of disulfide-containing proteins in a complex mixture, Proteomics 2013, 13, 3256-3260) devise a clever and rapid method for high-throughput determination of disulfides in proteins via reduction by tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine. Their work provides the foundation necessary to undertake more complex experiments in biological samples.
Journal Title: Proteomics
Volume: 13
Issue: 22
ISSN: 1615-9861; 1615-9853
Publisher: WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH Co. KGaA, Weinheim  
Journal Place: Germany
Date Published: 2013
Start Page: 3245
End Page: 3246
Language: eng
Notes: LR: 20141112; CI: (c) 2013; GR: K02 HL114749/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States; GR: K02 HL114749/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States; GR: R01 HL105826/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States; GR: R01 HL105826/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States; JID: 101092707; 0 (Disulfides); 0 (Proteins); CON: Proteomics. 2013 Nov;13(22):3256-60. PMID: 24030959; NIHMS548794; OID: NLM: NIHMS548794; OID: NLM: PMC3923460; OTO: NOTNLM; 2013/10/07 [received]; 2013/10/07 [revised]; 2013/10/15 [accepted]; ppublish