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Shoham, David A.; Wang, Zhenxun; Lindberg, Sarah; Chu, Haitao; Brubaker, Linda; Brady, Sonya S.; Coyne-Beasley, Tamera; Fitzgerald, Colleen M.; Gahagan, Sheila; Harlow, Bernard L.; more... Urology (2021)
Kenche, H.; Singh, M.; Smith, J.; Shen, K. Biochemical and biophysical research communications (2021)
Shaikh, PM; Singh, SA; Alite, F; Vargo, JA; Emami, B; Wu, MJ; Jacobson, G; Bakalov, V; Small, W; Dahshan, B; more... International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics (2021)
Small, W; Wagner, LI; Bruner, DW International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics (2021)
Foote, DC; Donkersloot, JN; Sandhu, G; Ziegler, K; Lau, J American Journal of Surgery (2021)
Harmon, G; Chan, D; Lee, B; Miller, C; Gorbonos, A; Gupta, G; Quek, M; Woods, M; Savir-Baruch, B; Harkenrider, MM; more... International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics (2021)
Roy, S; Zaorsky, NG; Bagshaw, HP; Berlin, A; Koontz, B; Nguyen, P; Chen, R; Dess, RT; Jackson, WC; Kishan, AU; more... International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics (2021)
Herschorn, Sender; McVary, Kevin T.; Cambronero Santos, Javier; Foley, Steve; Kristy, Rita M.; Choudhury, Nurul; Hairston, John; Kaplan, Steven A. Urology (2021)
Fitzgerald, CM; Bennis, S; Marcotte, ML; Shannon, MB; Iqba, S; Adams, WH PM R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation (2021)
Thakkar, JP; Kumthekar, P; Dixit, KS; Stupp, R; Lukas, RV Journal of the neurological sciences (2020)
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