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Hao, C; Shao, X; Song, J; Peng, M; Lao, Y; Mack, R; Zhang, L; Wei, W; Liu, N; Wang, T; more... Biochemical and biophysical research communications (2022)
Moore, TV; Scurti, GM; DeJong, M; Wang, SY; Dalheim, AV; Wagner, CR; Hutchens, KA; Speiser, JJ; Godellas, CV; Fountain, C; more... Molecular therapy oncolytics (2021)
Wang, SY; Moore, TV; Dalheim, AV; Scurti, GM; Nishimura, MI Scientific reports (2021)
Schrock, AB; Madison, R; Rosenzweig, M; Allen, JM; Erlich, RL; Wang, SY; Chidiac, T; Reddy, VS; Riess, JW; Yassa, AE; more... Lung Cancer (Auckland, N.Z.) (2020)
Larsen, EK; Weber, DK; Wang, S; Gopinath, T; Blackwell, DJ; Dalton, MP; Robia, SL; Gao, J; Veglia, G Biochimica et biophysica acta. Biomembranes (2019)
Esteves, PJ; Abrantes, J; Baldauf, HM; BenMohamed, L; Chen, Y; Christensen, N; González-Gallego, J; Giacani, L; Hu, J; Kaplan, G; more... Experimental molecular medicine (2019)
Esteves, PJ; Abrantes, J; Baldauf, HM; BenMohamed, L; Chen, Y; Christensen, N; González-Gallego, J; Giacani, L; Hu, J; Kaplan, G; more... Experimental molecular medicine (2018)
Chen, X; Liu, H; Wang, Z; Wang, S; Zhang, T.; Hu, M.; Qiao, L; Xu, X Oncotarget (2017)
Yan, W; Wei, J; Deng, X; Shi, Z; Zhu, Z; Shao, D; Li, B; Wang, S; Tong, G; Ma, Z BMC medical genomics (2015)
Chen, Z; Cheng, K.; Walton, Z.; Wang, Y; Ebi, H.; Shimamura, T; Liu, Y; Tupper, T.; Ouyang, J.; Li, J; more... Nature (2012)
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