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Small, C; Kramer, H. J.; Griffin, K. A.; Vellanki, K; Leehey, D. J.; Bansal, V. K.; Markossian, T. W. BMC nephrology (2017)
Bress, A. P.; Kramer, H; Cooper, R. S. Circulation (2017)
Bress, A. P.; Kramer, H; Khatib, R.; Beddhu, S.; Cheung, A. K.; Hess, R.; Bansal, V. K.; Cao, G; Yee, J.; Moran, A. E.; more... Circulation (2017)
Ngan, Michelle; Durazo-Arvizu, Ramon; Weiss, Marc G.; Kramer, Holly Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology Nutrition (2017)
Kramer, H; Camacho, P; Aloia, J; Luke, A; Bovet, P; Rhule, JP; Forrester, T; Lambert, V; Harders, R; Dugas, L; more... Endocrine practice : official journal of the American College of Endocrinology and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (2016)
Kosk, D.; Kramer, H; Luke, A; Camacho, P; Bovet, P; Rhule, J. P.; Forrester, T; Wolf, M.; Sempos, C.; Melamed, M. L.; more... Journal of bone and mineral metabolism (2016)
Yuen, S. N.; Kramer, H; Luke, A; Bovet, P; Plange-Rhule, J; Forrester, T; Lambert, V; Wolfe, M.; Camacho, P; Harders, R; more... The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism (2016)
Pattaro, C; Teumer, A; Gorski, M; Chu, A. Y.; Li, M; Mijatovic, V; Garnaas, M.; Tin, A; Sorice, R; Li, Y; more... Nature communications (2016)
Patel, M; Vellanki, K; Leehey, D. J.; Bansal, V. K.; Brubaker, L; Flanigan, R; Koval, J; Wadhwa, A; Balasubramanian, N; Sandhu, J; more... International urology and nephrology (2016)
Tanner, R. M.; Woodward, M; Peralta, C.; Warnock, D. G.; Gutierrez, O.; Shimbo, D.; Kramer, H; Katz, R; Muntner, P Ethnicity disease (2015)
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