Refine Results
  1. Neil Gupta (21)
  2. William Small (17)
  3. Bamidele Tayo (15)
  4. Kevin McVary (15)
  5. Linda Brubaker (15)
  6. Ramon Durazo-Arvizu (15)

More People

  1. 2015 (755)
  1. Journal of burn care research : official publication of the American Burn Association (12)
  2. PloS one (12)
  3. The Journal of urology (10)
  4. Foot ankle international (9)
  5. Gastrointestinal endoscopy (9)
  6. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges (8)

More Journals

  1. Elsevier Inc (83)
  2. American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved (20)
  3. Wiley Periodicals, Inc (17)
  4. Mosby, Inc (7)
  5. American Association for Cancer Research (5)
  6. by American Society of Clinical Oncology (5)

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Results (755)