Redefining Clostridioides difficile infection antibiotic response and clinical outcomes. Journal Article

Authors: Gonzales-Luna, AJ; Skinner, AM; Alonso, CD; Bouza, E; Cornely, OA; de Meij, TGJ; Drew, RJ; Garey, KW; Gerding, DN; Johnson, S; Kahn, SA; Kato, H; Kelly, CP; Kelly, CR; Kociolek, LK; Kuijper, EJ; Louie, T; Riley, TV; Sandora, TJ; Vehreschild, MJGT; Wilcox, MH; Dubberke, ER
Article Title: Redefining Clostridioides difficile infection antibiotic response and clinical outcomes.
Journal Title: The Lancet. Infectious diseases
Publisher: Unknown