Evaluation of Piperacillin-Tazobactam Testing against by the Phoenix, MicroScan, and Vitek2 Tests Using Updated Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute Breakpoints. Journal Article

Authors: Manuel, C; Maynard, R; Abbott, A; Adams, K; Alby, K; Sweeney, A; Dien Bard, J; Flores, II; Rekasius, V; Harrington, A; Kidd, TS; Mathers, AJ; Tekle, T; Simner, PJ; Humphries, RM
Article Title: Evaluation of Piperacillin-Tazobactam Testing against by the Phoenix, MicroScan, and Vitek2 Tests Using Updated Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute Breakpoints.
Journal Title: Journal of clinical microbiology
ISSN: 1098-660X; 0095-1137
Publisher: Unknown