A New Chemotype of Chemically Tractable Nonsteroidal Estrogens Based on a Thieno[2,3-]pyrimidine Core. Journal Article

Authors: Sammeta, VR; Norris, JD; Artham, S; Torrice, CD; Byemerwa, J; Joiner, C; Fanning, SW; McDonnell, DP; Willson, TM
Article Title: A New Chemotype of Chemically Tractable Nonsteroidal Estrogens Based on a Thieno[2,3-]pyrimidine Core.
Abstract: Despite continued interest in the development of nonsteroidal estrogens and antiestrogens, there are only a few chemotypes of estrogen receptor ligands. Using targeted screening in a ligand sensing assay, we identified a phenolic thieno[2,3-]pyrimidine with affinity for estrogen receptor a. An efficient three-step synthesis of the heterocyclic core and structure-guided optimization of the substituents resulted in a series of potent nonsteroidal estrogens. The chemical tractability of the thieno[2,3-]pyrimidine chemotype will support the design of new estrogen receptor ligands as therapeutic hormones and antihormones.
Journal Title: ACS medicinal chemistry letters
Publisher: Unknown  
Date Published: 2022