Re: Editorial Comment on Three-Year Outcomes of the Prospective, Randomized Controlled rezum System Study: Convective Radiofrequency Thermal Therapy for Treatment of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Due to Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: S. A. Kaplan J Urol 2018;199:1085-1088. Journal Article

Author: McVary, KT
Article Title: Re: Editorial Comment on Three-Year Outcomes of the Prospective, Randomized Controlled rezum System Study: Convective Radiofrequency Thermal Therapy for Treatment of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Due to Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: S. A. Kaplan J Urol 2018;199:1085-1088.
Abstract: No abstract available
Journal Title: The Journal of urology
ISSN: 1527-3792; 0022-5347
Publisher: Unknown  
Date Published: 2018
LUC Authors
  1. Kevin McVary
    123 McVary