Erectile Dysfunction: AUA Guideline. Journal Article

Authors: Burnett, AL; Nehra, A; Breau, RH; Culkin, DJ; Faraday, MM; Hakim, LS; Heidelbaugh, J; Khera, M; McVary, KT; Miner, MM; Nelson, CJ; Sadeghi-Nejad, H; Seftel, AD; Shindel, AW
Article Title: Erectile Dysfunction: AUA Guideline.
Abstract: PURPOSE: The purpose of this guideline is to provide a clinical strategy for the diagnosis and treatment of erectile dysfunction. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A systematic review of the literature using the Pubmed, Embase, and Cochrane databases (search dates 1/1/1965 to 7/29/17) was conducted to identify peer-reviewed publications relevant to the diagnosis and treatment of erectile dysfunction. Evidence-based statements were based on body of evidence strength Grade A, B, or C and were designated as Strong, Moderate, and Conditional Recommendations with additional statements presented in the form of Clinical Principles or Expert Opinions. RESULTS: The American Urological Association has developed an evidence-based guideline on the management of erectile dysfunction. This document is designed to be used in conjunction with the associated treatment algorithm. CONCLUSIONS: Using the shared decision-making process as a cornerstone for care, all patients should be informed of all treatment modalities that are not contraindicated, regardless of invasiveness or irreversibility, as potential first-line treatments. For each treatment, the clinician should ensure that the man and his partner have a full understanding of the benefits and risk/burdens associated with that choice.
Journal Title: The Journal of urology
ISSN: 1527-3792; 0022-5347
Publisher: Unknown  
Date Published: 2018