Lessons Learned: Newly Hired Nurses' Perspectives on Transition Into Practice. Journal Article

Authors: Ziebert, C; Klingbeil, C; Schmitt, CA; Stonek, AV; Totka, JP; Stelter, A; Schiffman, RF
Article Title: Lessons Learned: Newly Hired Nurses' Perspectives on Transition Into Practice.
Abstract: This descriptive qualitative study explored data from debriefs of all newly hired nurses at 3, 6, and 12 months posthire during a newly designed transition-to-practice program at a pediatric hospital. Four major themes emerged: preceptors, education process, adaptation to the organization, and role transition. Supportive factors included staged orientation, limited preceptors, mentors, regular communication with leaders, and a culture of teamwork. Stressors included too many preceptors, mentorship needs, floating, communication challenges, and organizational changes.
Journal Title: Journal for nurses in professional development
ISSN: 2169-981X; 2169-9798
Publisher: Unknown  
Date Published: 2017