Draft Genome Sequence for a Urinary Isolate of Nosocomiicoccus ampullae Journal Article

Authors: Hilt, E. E.; Price, T. K.; Diebel, K.; Putonti, C; Wolfe, A. J.
Article Title: Draft Genome Sequence for a Urinary Isolate of Nosocomiicoccus ampullae
Abstract: A draft genome sequence for a urinary isolate of Nosocomiicoccus ampullae (UMB0853) was investigated. The size of the genome was 1,578,043 bp, with an observed G+C content of 36.1%. Annotation revealed 10 rRNA sequences, 40 tRNA genes, and 1,532 protein-coding sequences. Genome coverage was 727x and consisted of 32 contigs, with an N50 of 109,831 bp.
Journal Title: Genome announcements
Volume: 4
Issue: 6
Publisher: Hilt et al  
Journal Place: United States
Date Published: 2016
Start Page: 10.1128/genomeA.01248
End Page: 16
Language: eng
Notes: LR: 20170220; CI: Copyright (c) 2016; JID: 101595808; epublish