The inter-association task force for preventing sudden death in collegiate conditioning sessions: best practices recommendations Journal Article

Authors: Casa, D. J.; Anderson, S. A.; Baker, L.; Bennett, S; Bergeron, M. F.; Connolly, D.; Courson, R.; Drezner, J. A.; Eichner, E. R.; Epley, B.; Fleck, S.; Franks, R.; Guskiewicz, K. M.; Harmon, K. G.; Hoffman, J.; Holschen, J. C.; Jost, J.; Kinniburgh, A.; Klossner, D.; Lopez, R. M.; Martin, G.; McDermott, B. P.; Mihalik, J. P.; Myslinski, T.; Pagnotta, K.; Poddar, S.; Rodgers, G.; Russell, A.; Sales, L.; Sandler, D.; Stearns, R. L.; Stiggins, C.; Thompson, C
Article Title: The inter-association task force for preventing sudden death in collegiate conditioning sessions: best practices recommendations
Journal Title: Journal of athletic training
Volume: 47
Issue: 4
ISSN: 1938-162X; 1062-6050
Publisher: Unknown  
Journal Place: United States
Date Published: 2012
Start Page: 477
End Page: 480
Language: eng
Notes: LR: 20150224; JID: 9301647; OID: NLM: PMC3396308; ppublish
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