Transient receptor potential melastatin 2: a novel target for treatment of gout Journal Article

Authors: Zhong, Z.; Zhai, Y.; Qiao, L
Article Title: Transient receptor potential melastatin 2: a novel target for treatment of gout
Abstract: Gout is an ancient autoinflammatory disease that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by unbearable recurrent pain due to the massive local inflammation caused by the metabolic product, monosodium urate crystals. Although conventional therapies for gout can reduce the pain in patients, the severe undesirable side effects require the urgent need for novel therapies that can more specifically target gout-associated inflammatory pathways. Recent scientific advance on the mechanistic study of gout-associated inflammation is discussed and the potential of targeting the transient receptor potential melastatin 2 is highlighted as a novel therapeutic approach for the treatment of gout.
Journal Title: Expert opinion on therapeutic targets
Volume: 17
Issue: 11
ISSN: 1744-7631; 1472-8222
Publisher: Unknown  
Journal Place: England
Date Published: 2013
Start Page: 1243
End Page: 1247
Language: eng
Notes: LR: 20141112; GR: DE019075/DE/NIDCR NIH HHS/United States; GR: R01 DE019075/DE/NIDCR NIH HHS/United States; JID: 101127833; 0 (TRPM Cation Channels); 0 (TRPM3 protein, human); 268B43MJ25 (Uric Acid); NIHMS608691; OID: NLM: NIHMS608691; OID: NLM: PMC4106263; 2013/09/04 [aheadofprint]; ppublish