Blastomycosis and Pregnancy: An Unusual Postpartum Disease Course Journal Article

Authors: Surprenant, D; Kaniszewska, M.; Hutchens, K.; Go, C.; O'Keefe, P.; Swan, J; Tung, R
Article Title: Blastomycosis and Pregnancy: An Unusual Postpartum Disease Course
Abstract: Blastomyces dermatitidis is responsible for systemic mycoses. It is predominantly caused by inhalation of spores and often manifests as pneumonia, which can potentially disseminate; however, direct cutaneous inoculation may also occur. Blastomycosis in the perigravid period is exceedingly rare. The partial immunosuppressive state induced by pregnancy can engender more severe infections and is associated with a risk of vertical transmission. Published cases describe postpartum symptomatic improvement accompanying immune reconstitution, even in the absence of treatment. We present a 31-year-old gravid female with multifocal cutaneous blastomycosis. After delivering a healthy full-term infant with no evidence of congenital infection, the patient's cutaneous lesions continued to worsen. At 6 weeks postpartum she was treated with oral itraconazole and demonstrated clinical improvement after 5 months of therapy. This case highlights the importance of prompt disease recognition, understanding of risk factors and initiation of appropriate antifungal therapy of blastomycotic infection occurring in the unique setting of pregnancy.
Journal Title: Case reports in dermatology
Volume: 7
Issue: 2
ISSN: 1662-6567; 1662-6567
Publisher: Unknown  
Journal Place: Switzerland
Date Published: 2015
Start Page: 107
End Page: 112
Language: eng
Notes: LR: 20150701; JID: 101517685; OID: NLM: PMC4478327; OTO: NOTNLM; 2015 [ecollection]; 2015/05/28 [epublish]; epublish
LUC Authors
  1. James W. Swan
    16 Swan
  2. Rebecca Tung
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