Doing well by doing good: linking access with quality Journal Article

Authors: Chang, V.; Kuo, P. C.; Wai, P. Y.
Article Title: Doing well by doing good: linking access with quality
Abstract: BACKGROUND: We hypothesize that medical centers that prioritize altruism can also deliver superior quality care. METHODS: Data were obtained from California's Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development, Medicare Hospital Compare, and the Joint Commission US Census Bureau's American Community Survey. Outcomes were measured using summary statistics, regression analysis, and quality indices. Total discounted revenue/total revenue (TDR/TR) served as a proxy for altruistic care. RESULTS: In nonprofit hospitals, TDR/TR positively correlated with 5 quality indices including pneumonia (P 301 beds), hospital teaching status demonstrated positive correlation (beta = .048, P = .69), and poverty was negatively correlated (beta = -.00072, P = .89). Positive TDR/TR did not adversely affect mortality or readmission rates (P = .52). CONCLUSIONS: TDR/TR predicts quality in nonprofit hospitals without increasing mortality and readmission. Altruistic motivation may be associated with the delivery of higher quality surgical care.
Journal Title: American Journal of Surgery
Volume: 209
Issue: 3
ISSN: 1879-1883; 0002-9610
Publisher: Elsevier Inc  
Date Published: 2014
Start Page: 457
End Page: 462
Language: ENG
Notes: LR: 20150116; CI: Copyright (c) 2015; JID: 0370473; OTO: NOTNLM; 2014/07/20 [received]; 2014/10/15 [revised]; 2014/10/17 [accepted]; aheadofprint