FOXO3: A master switch for regulating tolerance and immunity in dendritic cells Journal Article

Authors: Watkins, S. K.; Hurwitz, A. A.
Article Title: FOXO3: A master switch for regulating tolerance and immunity in dendritic cells
Abstract: Recent findings demonstrate that dendritic cells in prostate tumors induce immune tolerance in tumor antigen-specific CD8(+) T cells. We propose that DC tolerogenicity can be regulated by expression of Foxo3; silencing Foxo3 expression enhances anti-tumor immune responses and renders FOXO3 a potential target for immunotherapy.
Journal Title: Oncoimmunology
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
ISSN: 2162-4011
Publisher: Unknown  
Date Published: 2012
Start Page: 252
End Page: 254
Language: ENG
Notes: JID: 101570526; ppublish