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Singh, M; Gupta, N; Gaddam, S; Balasubramanian, G; Wani, S; Sinh, P; Aghaie, K; Higbee, AD; Rastogi, A; Kanakadandi, V; more... Gastrointestinal endoscopy (2013)
Salazar, D; Sears, B.; Aghdasi, B.; Only, A.; Francois, A.; Tonino, P; Marra, G Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery / American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons ...[et al.] (2013)
Shah, B; Srinivas, V. S.; Lu, J; Brooks, M. M.; Bates, E. R.; Nedeljkovic, Z. S.; Escobedo, J.; Das, G. S.; Lopez, J. J.; Feit, F. American Heart Journal (2013)
Prathanvanich, P; Chand, B Gastrointestinal endoscopy (2013)
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