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Gianfagna, F.; Tamburrelli, C.; Vohnout, B.; Crescente, M.; Izzi, B.; Pampuch, A.; De Curtis, A.; Di Castelnuovo, A.; Cutrone, A.; Napoleone, E.; more... Nutrition, metabolism, and cardiovascular diseases : NMCD (2012)
Gnatz, S. M. PM R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation (2012)
Gnatz, S. M.; Pisetsky, D. S.; Andersson, G. B. PM R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation (2012)
Hart, S; Ellimoottil, C; Shafer, D.; Mehta, V; Turk, T. M. Urology (2012)
Heneghan, H. M.; Yimcharoen, P.; Brethauer, S. A.; Kroh, M; Chand, B Surgery for obesity and related diseases : official journal of the American Society for Bariatric Surgery (2012)
Jhingran, A; Winter, K; Portelance, L; Miller, B.; Salehpour, M.; Gaur, R; Souhami, L.; Small, W., Jr; Berk, L.; Gaffney, D International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics (2012)
Jiang, X; Huang, H; Li, Z; Li, Y; Wang, X; Gurbuxani, S.; Chen, P; He, C; You, D.; Zhang, S; more... Cancer cell (2012)
Kadlec, A. O.; Greco, K.; Fridirici, Z. C.; Hart, S. T.; Vellos, T.; Turk, T. M. Urology (2012)
Karavitis, J.; Murdoch, E. L.; Deburghgraeve, C.; Ramirez, L; Kovacs, E. J. Cellular immunology (2012)
Tenfelde, Sandi JOGNN: Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic Neonatal Nursing (2012)
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