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Grim, S. A.; Layden, J. E.; Jain, P.; Gallitano, S; Adams, W; Clark, N. M. Transplant infectious disease : an official journal of the Transplantation Society (2015)
Gros, S; Roeske, J; Surucu, M Medical physics (2015)
Guler, N.; Burleson, A; Syed, D.; Banos, A; Hopkinson, W; Hoppensteadt, D; Rees, H.; Fareed, J Clinical Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis (2015)
Harris, E. E.; Small, W., Jr; Holmes, D; Grobmyer, S; Pavord, D.; Rice, J. S.; Alvarado, M International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics (2015)
Hazel, A; Nemeth, N.; Bindra, R Journal of wrist surgery (2015)
Hutchison, P. J. Chest (2015)
Ibrahim, T. F.; Garst, J. R.; Burkett, D. J.; Toia, G. V.; Braca, J. A., 3rd; Hill, J. P.; Anderson, D. E. Neurosurgery (2015)
Jegier, B. J.; O'Mahony, S; Johnson, J.; Flaska, R.; Perry, A.; Runge, M.; Sommerfeld, T. The American Journal of Hospice Palliative Care (2015)
Joshi, P. K.; Esko, T; Mattsson, H.; Eklund, N.; Gandin, I; Nutile, T; Jackson, A. U.; Schurmann, C; Smith, A. V.; Zhang, W; more... Nature (2015)
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