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Dharan, A; Opp, S.; Abdel-Rahim, O.; Keceli, S. K.; Imam, S; Diaz-Griffero, F; Campbell, E. M. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2017)
Dharan, A; Talley, S; Tripathi, A; Mamede, J. I.; Majetschak, M; Hope, T. J.; Campbell, E. M. PLoS pathogens (2016)
Campbell, E. M.; Hope, T. J. Nature reviews.Microbiology (2015)
Fricke, T; White, TE; Schulte, B; de Souza Aranha Vieira, DA; Dharan, A; Campbell, EM; Brandariz-Nuñez, A; Diaz-Griffero, F Retrovirology (2014)
Le, P. T.; Pearce, M. M.; Zhang, S; Campbell, E. M.; Fok, C. S.; Mueller, E. R.; Brincat, C. A.; Wolfe, A. J.; Brubaker, L PloS one (2014)
Freeman, D.; Cedillos, R.; Choyke, S.; Lukic, Z.; McGuire, K.; Marvin, S.; Burrage, A. M.; Sudholt, S.; Rana, A.; O'Connor, C; more... PloS one (2013)
Iqbal, O; Fisher, G.; Vira, S.; Syed, D.; Sadeghi, N; Freeman, D.; Campbell, E; Sugar, J.; Feder, R.; Fareed, J; more... Cornea (2013)
Lukic, Z.; Goff, S. P.; Campbell, E. M.; Arriagada, G. Retrovirology (2013)
Lukic, Z.; Campbell, E. M. Current HIV/AIDS Reports (2012)
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