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Weiss, ME; Piacentine, LB; Candela, L; Bobay, KL Nurse education in practice (2021)
Maureen Sheean, P; Robinson, P; Bartolotta, MB; Joyce, C; Adams, W; Penckofer, S Oncology nursing forum (2021)
Siclovan, DM; Bang, JT; Yakusheva, O; Hamilton, M; Bobay, KL; Costa, LL; Hughes, RG; Miles, J; Bahr, SJ; Weiss, ME International journal of nursing studies (2021)
Burt, L; Corbridge, S; Corte, C; Quinn, L; Finnegan, L; Clark, L Diagnosis (Berlin, Germany) (2021)
Burt, L; Finnegan, L; Schwartz, A; Corte, C; Quinn, L; Clark, L; Corbridge, S Diagnosis (Berlin, Germany) (2021)
Mahaffey, AL Advances in Physiology Education (2021)
Poghosyan, L; Pulcini, J; Chan, GK; Dunphy, L; Martsolf, GR; Greco, K; Todd, BA; Brown, SC; Fitzgerald, M; McMenamin, AL; more... Nursing outlook (2021)
Rutledge, CM; O'Rourke, J; Mason, AM; Chike-Harris, K; Behnke, L; Melhado, L; Downes, L; Gustin, T Nurse educator (2021)
Kostovich, CT; Bormann, JE; Gonzalez, B; Hansbrough, W; Kelly, B; Collins, EG Nursing outlook (2021)
Knobloch, MJ; Musuuza, J; Baubie, K; Saban, KL; Suda, KJ; Safdar, N American Journal of Infection Control (2021)
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