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Burkhart, L; Skemp, L; Siddiqui, S; Bates-Jensen, B Nursing outlook (2021)
Madsen, N; Joyce, C; Vlasses, F; Burkhart, L Journal of interprofessional care (2021)
Weaver, FM; Binns-Calvey, A; Gonzalez, B; Kostovich, C; LaVela, S; Stroupe, KT; Kelly, B; Ashley, N; Miskevics, S; Gerber, B; more... MDM policy practice (2019)
Gampetro, PJ; Segvich, JP; Jordan, N; Velsor-Friedrich, B; Burkhart, L Journal of patient safety (2019)
Rice, L; Sung, J; Keane, K; Peterson, E; Sosnoff, J; Farkas, G; Swartz, A; Strath, S; Gorgey, A; Berg, A; more... The journal of spinal cord medicine (2018)
Burkhart, L; Vlasses, F. R. Western journal of nursing research (2017)
Binns-Calvey, A. E.; Malhiot, A.; Kostovich, C. T.; LaVela, S. L.; Stroupe, K; Gerber, B. S.; Burkhart, L; Weiner, S. J.; Weaver, F M Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges (2017)
Burkhart, L; Sohn, M. W.; Jordan, N; Tarlov, E; Gampetro, P.; LaVela, S. L. Quality management in health care (2016)
Burkhart, L; Hogan, N Social work in mental health (2015)
Vincensi, B. B.; Burkhart, L Journal of holistic nursing : official journal of the American Holistic Nurses' Association (2014)
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