Radiographic evaluation of reactive osteitis in traumatic injury of sacroiliac joints. Journal Article

Authors: Knott, K; Toslak, IE; Siddique, F; Joyce, C; Shah, R; Lomasney, L
Article Title: Radiographic evaluation of reactive osteitis in traumatic injury of sacroiliac joints.
Abstract: OBJECTIVES: After traumatic Sacroiliac (SI) joint injury, follow up radiographic imaging can demonstrate subchondral bone resorption resembling inflammatory sacroiliitis. No studies have described the incidence of marginal SI post-traumatic osteitis, the probable temporal relationship to the initial traumatic injury, or the possible effect of unilateral hardware fixation on the contralateral SI joint. METHODS: A Level 1 trauma center imaging database was queried to identify patients with pelvic bony trauma between 2005 and 2017 with CT baseline preserved SI cortication and unilateral/bilateral traumatic SI diastasis. Serial radiographs were retrospectively evaluated by 2 musculoskeletal-trained radiologists at initial, 6 weeks, 3 months and 6 months following trauma, with documentation of diastasis, subchondral resorption, and operative fixation. RESULTS: 206 SI joints in 106 total patients met inclusion criteria. There was a statistically significant association between injury and presence of resorption at 6 weeks post-trauma for the right SI joint only. There was no other statistically significant relationship between injury and presence of resorption at any other post-trauma evaluation. There was no statistical relationship between resorption and surgical fixation. There was a statistically significant increased incidence of resorption in the post-traumatic population when compared to an atraumatic population undergoing CT pelvis study for non-SI related indications as well as compared to the incidence of inflammatory sacroiliitis in a general population. CONCLUSIONS: This study confirms an incidence of sub-acute subchondral bone resorption following traumatic joint injury above that expected for a general, non-traumatic population. Accurate interpretation of this traumatic finding minimizes inappropriate consultation and intervention for inflammatory sacroiliitis.
Publisher: Unknown  
Date Published: 2021